
As you can see Max and Tony sanded then painted the dresser. Then they both decided to fall asleep. Meanwhile, I laid out, and cut all the hidden inners of hemp/bamboo fleece that I need for Nathaniel’s diapers. Yeah, this stack is just the inners. There are 2 more layers that needed to be added … [Read more…]


Max has been spending more and more time outside lately. There is one small hole that the grass hasn’t taken over in the yard, and much like you would expect, Max has found it and digs in it. Yesterday afternoon though, he did more then dig, he laid in the hole. He loved it! Here … [Read more…]

23 weeks….

I gained quite a bit this week. I am now up to 39.25 inches around. That is up from 38.75 inches a week ago. Clearly someone is growing… it may just be me though. Ha ha! Nathaniel is about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces. I am guessing he is on the … [Read more…]

Is PBS addictive??

I took this photo about an hour ago. Max was throwing an absolute FIT about wanting to watch PBS. Yes he woke up Nathaniel in the process. This all started last week. We had several appointments and all but one, I let him watch the DVD player which is either Disney or Cat in the … [Read more…]