Max not watching TV…

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Today Max has had a better day. He asked me this morning if he could watch PBS and I said “no” but he could watch cartoons when I take him to my doctor appointments. He started to throw a fit, but then I said, “see this is why I don’t want you to watch it! You get all worked up like this about it.” He seemed to get me saying that (much to my surprise). So now I think the issue is over… hopefully. He did ask me to watch PBS in the middle of the new Top Gear episode last night so I knew then that it was too much for him.
We ended by agreeing that if it wasn’t too windy for him, he could play outside after school work. School work is over, so he is outside playing. Fenway thinks it is still too cold though and is being a baby inside.
Well that is about it for now. We are getting a free-cycled dresser tonight that will go in Max’s room and be used for at least Nathaniel, if not me too. I haven’t had a dresser since I have been married so I might get some of it. Not sure yet. We will need to paint it, and get new pulls for it so it will be a while before it has it’s photo taken for our blog.  I think it will need to be painted outside too as I am not wanting the fumes (and we already have the paint) around me. Good project for when it gets a bit warmer.