23 weeks….

Photo on 4-4-13 at 11.05 AM

I gained quite a bit this week. I am now up to 39.25 inches around. That is up from 38.75 inches a week ago. Clearly someone is growing… it may just be me though. Ha ha!

Nathaniel is about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces. I am guessing he is on the larger size for both. Though the weight could be slightly less judging by Max. He is now kicked Max twice and Max I can tell gets a kick out of it. Not sure what he is thinking about Nathaniel at this point but it is funny to see the interaction.

I am feeling fine this week and have promised Tony that I will not go looking for a house this week. This is when we started looking for a house when I was pregnant with Max.

In other news, here is what came (was picked up) yesterday for us. First off we got this dresser for Max and Nathaniel’s room. We plan on painting it white and getting new pulls for it. It was a Freecycle find so it is perfect for us. Hopefully the weather will be nice enough this weekend to paint it outside.


I also got a large shipment of fabric! Please excuse the mess in the basement! Starting at the top we have: 10 yards of elastic, 4 yards of bamboo velour, 6 yards of hemp/bamboo fleece, a yard of cotton velour (green), 1 yard of camping knit fabric, 1 yard of car knit fabric (this seems very lightweight, should be good for diapers but might need to make something for this summer with the rest of it), 1 yard of boats and summer knit fabric, 1 yard of tools knit fabric, 1 yard of planets and space knit fabric, 1 yard of orange rib knit fabric, and 2 yards of heavier rib knit fabric (red).

I have the hemp/bamboo in the washer now as it is the hardest to prep. I will likely have to wash it about 3 times before it is ready to be cut.