Time gets away from me sometimes…

The nutshell version of what has been happening: I have been sewing many outfits for both me and the boys. We went to Hershey Park with my mother and step father. Had a great time even though it was cold. Didn’t swim very much but that is a long story. Had my 5 year remission … [Read more…]


Videos: Nathaniel being himself Max and t-ball This is likely one of the best videos I have got in a long time. This is the boys talking cars. This is us. Lots of sewing this week. We are still plugging away at school. I am thinking of having a couple of weeks off in July. … [Read more…]

Sewing and potty training…

Well we have been busy with potty training and sewing. School has also been thrown in there! Nathaniel is sort of getting there with potty training. We have a few good days then days that nothing good happens. I am more relaxed about the approach I am doing with Nathaniel then I was with Max. … [Read more…]

A bit of school…

I thought it would be good to document Max’s school work. Often that means that Nathaniel is also “helping” so you will hear some of this in here. He also talks quietly so you may not hear everything, but I assure you he said it. Nathaniel having fun on the swing! Max’s Saturday Game: After … [Read more…]

A wordy post…

I wanted to write last night but I was unable to do so. We have been busy. We had Tony’s parents here for a week and Tony took off that week so it was a mini vacation for us. That was fun. Since then it has been the chaos that ensues after you get back … [Read more…]