A wordy post…

I wanted to write last night but I was unable to do so.

We have been busy. We had Tony’s parents here for a week and Tony took off that week so it was a mini vacation for us. That was fun. Since then it has been the chaos that ensues after you get back from a vacation… even if you don’t go anywhere.

Max is doing well in t-ball and really doing better at paying attention this year. Clearly a year older does wonders! He is in a bit of a slump right now with hitting but we hope that will end soon. Swimming is going well. His class suddenly doubled in size with this last session start, but Max as you can see from my prior post is starting to swim short distances on his own! HUGE improvement from a year ago when he refused to get in the water without a life jacket on! With school Max is doing well. He is spelling more and more everyday, reading with ease (even if it a bit easy for him right now), and math seems to be a subject he looks forward to! What could be better?! In handwriting he is looking forward to starting cursive writing soon. I think in 2 weeks I will start that. Generally Max is doing well. He is healthy and the allergies that are driving me nuts are not effecting him. Max is becoming very over protective of his brother too. It is actually very sweet. Yesterday he started crying when Nathaniel injured himself at the table (stood on something unstable and fell down), and again when Nathaniel got too close to the edge of a high playground equipment at the park. It is great to see how much he loves his brother!

Nathaniel’s swimming class also doubled in size at the start of this last session. He is swimming well and starting to get things a bit. He still hates being on his back, but the rest he is starting to catch on to. He is also learning things that are not being taught to him. He picked up on “baseball ready” that Max has been learning and now does that! He is saying new words nearly everyday. Amazing! He also seems to be getting ready for potty training which I hope to start in the next week or so… I just need to sew his underwear as he is TINY still. Nathaniel has an appointment to an allergist finally. He will be seeing one on June 1. I was waiting till he turned 2 but he is close enough. Hopefully this will ease my mind about many things with him. He and I also have an appointment with our dermatologist soon for a routine check. Health wise other then the allergies and birth mark, he is also doing well (if he would just stop falling all the time!) with no signs of the tree pollen allergies that I am suffering from.

The Family
Tony is having fun with his job and is starting to do scientific things. Something he thought was behind him but here it is! So he is happy. I am battling tree pollen that often makes my eyes feel like they are glued. At this point I am pretty much praying for rain to make this all go away. Tuesday we might get some, so lets hope! We almost have the new crabitat ready to be set up for our crabs to move to. We got them a larger tank and we will have it downstairs for the boys to see them more often. This should be fun for all! We are planning on summer with amusement park in June, and camping in July and I hope August and September as well. June 30 I get to see my oncologist and hopefully get my all clear. It has been 5 years since my treatment and if she says I am clear, I am then back at odds of the general population for getting cancer again. 😀 Fenway is as he normally is. Sleeping during the day, and night. Playful moments here and there. I think he is park cat!

Well I have 30 minutes before I have to take Max to T-ball practice so I better get moving!