Massive post…

Nathaniel Swimming! Max playing baseball! Max swimming! The boys having fun! Nathaniel at the park! Okay now photos! I now have to put the boys to bed. I will write more about what we have been doing tomorrow.

Okay time for an update…

My problem often is when I need to update, it is the hardest because I REALLY need to update. That means it takes longer. I should just update more frequently to avoid this problem. 🙂 I will start with photos and move to videos. Now videos: This is a 15 minute video of Max’s swim … [Read more…]

Okay what happened…

Nathaniel started to get sick about a week ago and he has been more or less non-stop nursing till about yesterday. I have not been able to do anything in this time and it has made things very slow around here. Max had a week off of school when it became clear that I was … [Read more…]

2 videos…

Nathaniel easter Egging… Why I don’t like KitchenAid. I got tired of hearing people swoon over how great KitchenAid mixers are. So I made a video of my mixer.

Nathaniel and food…

It has been suggested that I do a post on Nathaniel and his eating. You may remember that Nathaniel is allergic to Nightshades (tomatoes, eggplant, white potatoes – not sweet potatoes, tomatilloes, peppers – but not black pepper, ground cherries – grow on a vine, not a tree), and dairy. I am keeping him away … [Read more…]