Time gets away from me sometimes…

The nutshell version of what has been happening:

I have been sewing many outfits for both me and the boys.

We went to Hershey Park with my mother and step father. Had a great time even though it was cold. Didn’t swim very much but that is a long story.

Had my 5 year remission check for cancer and passed it! Now don’t have to have scans anymore and will just see oncologist once a year.

Nathaniel has been ill mysteriously and is now egg free (no hard cooked, scrambled or fried eggs, eggs in things is okay).

We are planning several camping trips in the near future.

Now the rest of the story:

Max looking good in his mama made shirt!

Max looking good in his mama made shirt!

Nathaniel mama made shirt!

Nathaniel mama made shirt!

Tuckered out!

Tuckered out!

My newly made shirt.

My newly made shirt.

Mama and Nathaniel having fun!

Mama and Nathaniel having fun!


Didn't know what to serve the kids one day for lunch, then this popped out of the freezer!

Didn’t know what to serve the kids one day for lunch, then this popped out of the freezer!

Mama made shirts!

Mama made shirts!


Mama made pi's!

Mama made pi’s!


Fenway at kennel for our trip to Hershey.

Fenway at kennel for our trip to Hershey.

Tony watching me park the car.

Tony watching me park the car.

Nathaniel getting Jiggy wit it.

Nathaniel getting Jiggy wit it.

Look at all the cars!

Look at all the cars!

Having fun!

Having fun!



Max is so serious!

Max is so serious!





Max is the tiny head next to my mom!

Max is the tiny head next to my mom!


Part of the family!

Part of the family!

One is such a lonely number!

One is such a lonely number!

Auto museum! LONG cars!

Auto museum! LONG cars!

Love the drawers in the back of this one! Could see my grandpa loving that!

Love the drawers in the back of this one! Could see my grandpa loving that!

Drawer car.

Drawer car.

First baby seat. Yeah it wouldn't help much, but hey, no one else had seat belts on.

First baby seat. Yeah it wouldn’t help much, but hey, no one else had seat belts on.

Woodies! My favorite!

Woodies! My favorite!

I am surprised by the lack of trunk space in the back with the 3rd row up. You always think of these cars as being huge, and they are, but not practical.

I am surprised by the lack of trunk space in the back with the 3rd row up. You always think of these cars as being huge, and they are, but not practical.


AMC Hornet

AMC Hornet

Tucker!! Love Tuckers!

Tucker!! Love Tuckers!

Engine in the rear of a Tucker!

Engine in the rear of a Tucker!

Wonderful doors!

Wonderful doors!

Front dash!

Front dash!

What a car!

What a car!

Max with train set.

Max with train set.

This bus reminded me of the Sound of Music.

This bus reminded me of the Sound of Music.

Wicker in the inside, who would have thought?

Wicker in the inside, who would have thought?

Other side of bus.

Other side of bus.

This bus is just amazing to me. I could see someone turning that into some RV.

This bus is just amazing to me. I could see someone turning that into some RV.

A hearse. Don't see them like this everyday.

A hearse. Don’t see them like this everyday.

Old electric car.

Old electric car.

Nathaniel playing outside the car museum. He didn't like it as much as the rest of us.

Nathaniel playing outside the car museum. He didn’t like it as much as the rest of us.

Original car security!

Original car security!

Free Raspberries (grown on our bush).

Free Raspberries (grown on our bush).

Our new tent!

Our new tent!

Me after I put up the new tent in the heat!

Me after I put up the new tent in the heat!

Nathaniel in the sand.

Nathaniel in the sand.

More free food!

More free food!

Our new Chuck Box. This is used for camping.

Our new Chuck Box. This is used for camping.

A Chuck Box, or Patrol Box is a box used to keep one organized when camping. They are HIGHLY customizable and there are few plans online for them (though there are several Youtube videos). There are a few videos. I drew up 3 plans before coming up with this design. There are things we would have done differently, but it will work as intended. There is a second part to it (another box) that we hope to build this weekend. It will rest on top and give us room for other things used in the kitchen when camping. Basically when you don’t have an RV, you use one of these to keep organized. I designed ours to accommodate the grill that we use over the fire pit. From there I put in room for everything we would use camping. I split the whole thing in 2 to ease in the weight of the whole thing when taking it in and out of the van.

Room for a grill (for over open fire pit), stove, sink, lantern (not shown) and other needed things.

Room for a grill (for over open fire pit), stove, sink, lantern (not shown) and other needed things.

Side view

Side view

Videos (in some random order)
Max’s last t-ball game:

Max swimming:

N dancing (this is at a restaurant at Hershey):

Having fun on a ride!

Bumper cars! There was another car ride that Nathaniel could go on and he LOVED it.

Trains at the Auto museum!

Max teaching Nathaniel:

Max on a bicycle:

Nathaniel on our slide:

As you can see we have been having fun. We thought that we would be swimming more in Hershey but the indoor pool was closed, and the outdoor one had icebergs in it (not really but it was FREEZING). However we had fun none the less.

Nathaniel got sick 3 weeks in a row (at random times) so we are doing a 10 day no egg diet with him. With his other allergies this isn’t fun, but we need to see if this is what was causing it. I am also using an app on the i-pad to track his food and eating and poo. It isn’t fun to do this but I need to make sure my baby is healthy.

We are still working a bit on school. I have some things that I want to finish up then I want to give Max a few weeks off before we start at it again. He should be done with his first book in within the week, then I want him to finish up reading and spelling and doing some memorizing work.

Oh and I have not forgot about my sugar free 11 days starting on July 31-August 11. I am trying to figure out how I can do it and not loose weight. I really lost a lot when I did it in January and I am still 5 pounds lighter then I want to be. So I will work on that.

Well that is about all I have for now!