This week…

On July 4th we made Max’s playset into a water park. We hooked up the sprinkler and then he had a water slide. Not great for Tony’s abs but who needs to do crunches now!! As you can see Max LOVED it! I also got a new app for my phone and now I can … [Read more…]

CSA this week and other things…

Well this week I didn’t get a photo of our CSA. It was EXTREMELY hot yesterday and I had to get the blueberries processed so I didn’t get to it. What we got though was:3 heads of lettuce2 zucchini3/4 lb chard2 bunches of beets1 bunch of basil1 bunch of collards3 quarts of green beans1 pint … [Read more…]

Blueberry picking!

Now I did a TON of Huckleberry picking as a child but not a whole lot of blueberry picking, so in a way this was Max’s and mine first time. Huckleberries are these  Here is Max with his bucket picking berries. He did it for about 30 minutes then decided to play while I picked.  … [Read more…]

A bit of the weekend…

My cold seems to be on the way out so this weekend I tried to do some helping around the house. Tony started the monster project of staining the playset this weekend. I would like to say he is about 1/2 way there, but sadly I know that there is a TON of wood on … [Read more…]

This week!

Sorry I didn’t get to this till now. I have been feeling awful this week.  What we got this week:  2 bunches of beets 4 heads of lettuce a bunch of Chard 2 zucchini 2 bunches of collards and we have still yet to go to the pick your own farm! It has been VERY … [Read more…]