Well this stinks…

I have known for a few days now so it is of no shock to me. I am not pregnant. I have an appointment for Tuesday to talk to my doctor about what more we can do for our last hurrah at this. We have 2 embryos left, babies E and G. I don’t really … [Read more…]

We are a bunch of squirrels!!

We did a ton of canning this weekend. A TON! We also froze 8 quarts of green beans and some okra and some raspberries! We still have some to do! Anyway here is our first one (in semi random order): Peach barbecue sauce Tomatillo salsa Thick applesauce Summer barbecue salsa (has fruit in it) Salsa … [Read more…]

And I am cleared for transfer!!

I had my doctor appointment today and my lining looked okay, not great. So I was a bit worried that I would be pushed back a week. However that didn’t happen. I just got the call that I am good to go on Monday! I did have my estrogen upped a bit though. I take … [Read more…]

First day of school!

Today was Max’s first day of school. He did better then I thought he would do.  I don’t have a lot of photos because even though Tony was around, I was doing much of the teaching. However I do have these photos of him cutting rectangles out and cutting around corners. As part of this … [Read more…]