We are a bunch of squirrels!!

We did a ton of canning this weekend. A TON! We also froze 8 quarts of green beans and some okra and some raspberries! We still have some to do!
Anyway here is our first one (in semi random order): Peach barbecue sauce
Tomatillo salsa
Thick applesauce
Summer barbecue salsa (has fruit in it)
Salsa verde (turned out a bit more liquid like then I wanted but I am sure it is still good)
Tomato sauce (this is what helped make a mess of my towel!)
Thinner applesauce (I call this about the same feel as baby food)
Garden salsa (normal tomato based)
See what happens when the CSA gives you 25 lbs of tomatoes!! You have to make salsa! I think if we get more this week though we will just roast them and turn them into sauce. That was fairly easy.