Well this stinks…

I have known for a few days now so it is of no shock to me. I am not pregnant. I have an appointment for Tuesday to talk to my doctor about what more we can do for our last hurrah at this. We have 2 embryos left, babies E and G. I don’t really want to do a single embryo transfer unless I have to because I can’t bear the thought of going through all the lead up to a transfer and have nothing left to transfer because the embryo doesn’t survive the thaw. I don’t really WANT twins, but I really wanted 3 children before I got pregnant with the triplets so if twins are God’s will then I will take them.

If this doesn’t work we may look into adoption, or we may just realize that Max is enough for us. I am really hoping it doesn’t come to that because either could be painful.

Tony’s parents are coming in tomorrow for Max’s birthday on Wednesday. So at least I get a welcome distraction for the next week.

In other news I picked 15 quarts of beans yesterday at the CSA. I don’t think we will need beans for a LONG while. I just wish we could can them but we have to freeze them as we don’t have a pressure canner. Maybe next year we will get a pressure canner so we can be a bit more prepared for what the CSA gives us. Ha ha!