31 weeks 0 days

Here is Max! He is a big boy weighing 4 pounds 7 ounces (roughly 2012 grams) already! He is at the top edge of normal for this area (using figures from this area to compare him). The doctor expect him, even with his 2 week early arrival, to be around 8 pounds at birth. So … [Read more…]

29 weeks 4 days…

Well Max is doing well. I went to the doctor yesterday and there wasn’t much news to report. I am gaining weight in a good way, I do not have gestational diabetes (huge relief there!), and Max’s heart rate is nice and strong! I was able to find out how Max is positioned. He is … [Read more…]

28 weeks 3 days

Here I am! I measured myself last night and I am now 43 inches around. Oh my! I seem to be gaining about an inch a week so that means I should be around 53 inches by the time I deliver. We shall see though. Sorry I haven’t been posting that much. In all honesty … [Read more…]

27 weeks 0 days

Sorry for the long absence from my postings. We have been very hectic around here lately. I will go into it but not now. I did go to the doctor on Monday. I posted something about this on a message board the next day. I believe I said it well so here it is… I … [Read more…]

24 weeks 6 days

Here is a video of Max kicking me this morning. I am unsure how much you will be able to see but he was active a few minutes ago so I thought I would try. BEFORE VIEWING: I don’t know how much sound is on this video but if you have objections to Glenn Beck … [Read more…]