Quick update…

Max did something funny earlier today so I thought I would share. We were at mass and at a Roman Catholic mass normally they ring bells at the concercration. I have been asking Max “what is that” normally around that time because he is getting anxious by then. Well today was no exception. I whispered … [Read more…]

Day one with Larry…

I know you want photos of the little guy in his cute little raincoat that I made him. Well those will come soon enough. I thought I would update and say that to my shock, I got my pre-authorization yesterday for my CT chest scan. This is a scan that is part of the staging … [Read more…]

And now we have Larry…

I posted this to a playgroup that I go to with Max. Well in September I decided to go and seek to have another child. We did IVF to get Max. We have 5 frozen embryos. In the process of preparing for this I needed to be monitored for a cycle. For this they do … [Read more…]

Biopsy today

I am done with the biopsy. It went well. I was mildly sedated and felt like I was in and out of conciousness when the procedure was happening. I remember bits of it but not much of it. So that is good. I had a dream during this time that I was following a little … [Read more…]