Nathaniel’s room…

At least we have a private room, I guess. I wish we had a water valve at home that said the temperature of the water like this. Our view. And the other direction. Poor Nathaniel!! At least he is in his own clothes and things. The blue thing on his arm is protecting his iv. … [Read more…]

Utt oh!! Round 2

Well I am sitting in the ER of yet another hospital. Nathaniel isn’t gaining anywhere near 1 oz a day and we are at the point where he really should be admitted. We are trying to figure out the logistics of this. All preliminary blood work is normal so they need to see how he … [Read more…]

Long overdue post…

Believe it or not, but I actually planned on posting this on Thursday. However life got in the way and here I am. Wednesday night with the new doctor went well. He suggested that I eat more fish (for Omega 3’s, which I can’t take via supplement – per my oncologist) and eat papaya as … [Read more…]

This sums up Nathaniel…

Nathaniel telling me not to put him down away from me. Sadly today we found out that even though Nathaniel is back at his birth weight (Yay!!), this pediatrician is still concerned about him so we have to take him back in on Thursday! Nathaniel is growing and honestly we are talking about ounces here. … [Read more…]