Day 5…

Max took this photo! I had to crop it.     I am calling this, the photo of the day.     This is a plantain and apple compote I made tonight.     This is the boys watching Tom and Jerry in German last night.      Today is one of our dark days as Emily passed 9 … [Read more…]

Day 3… Fenway

   Fenway is my photo of the day.    Boys playing Nathaniel with the tree   NBoys playing       Nathaniel in a coat   Our sad tree with the baby             Nathaniel playing at church   Max hiding    

Bonus video today!

The first video is of Max playing with his RC car today. Nathaniel wasn’t even scared of it today! The next 2 videos were a bit of an experiment for me. They are showing my new Instant Pot that Tony got me for Christmas. They are a bit rough but here they are. This is … [Read more…]