
Okay I was hoping for more then just these but that will have to wait till tomorrow. So lets just call this a clean up post. Max swimming yesterday! Here is our blueberry bush. There are quite a few green blue berries on it! This I am absolutely shocked by. This was a tiny start … [Read more…]

31 weeks!!

Sorry this is later then normal today. It will be about the same time next week with the MRI too. I am now 42 and 1/4 inches around. It sure looks like it too! It is funny to look at your body and not recognize it. Ha Ha! Nathaniel seems to be doing well in … [Read more…]

Random today…

Tony is going to be building something in the next couple of days (hopefully) and this is one of the pieces to it. I will be posting random photos over the next few days to see if anyone knows what it is. Several family members already know so they can’t guess. Ha ha! This photo … [Read more…]

30 weeks!!

Well there I am! I am at the magical 30 weeks. The “we will likely issue you a child upon leaving the hospital” date. Ironically, I am also at another milestone. I am now 42 inches around. The same as Tony! Yeah that one isn’t as impressive. Tony has been doing great through this pregnancy … [Read more…]