Watch out! Mama has a camera and hasn’t posted a photo for a few days!!

Yes I am sure Max will hate this photo when he is older but I was going to take his photos regardless of how he was sleeping. I figured I needed art work on the blog after my last 2 posts. It is just warm here too so this is the best I could do.
My tooth is fixed! I had a filling come undone. At least it wasn’t anything I did! And it just needed a filling. Max was great in the dentist and watching a video. Nathaniel was bouncing all over. However I guess if one had to bounce all over Nathaniel is the better one to do that… at least right now!
I also got my MRI scheduled. I will be 32 weeks. I told them that I was going to be quite pregnant and I can’t keep my son quiet (not that I would want to… I mean, you are not sedating my baby now!!). They said that shouldn’t be an issue. I am trying not to think too much about it as I know MRI’s are loud and I am hoping the amniotic fluid is enough to keep him safe with his hearing. Maybe I can request a blanket just to protect his hearing (as he should be hearing now… well I know he is because he has woken up a few times due to Fenway!).
I am just looking forward to putting the MRI behind me. I don’t want to have to think about it as it just makes me a bit mad to be doing it.
A little note, I changed the counter on Nathaniel to how many days I have till July 18, my (God willing, baring any other changes) scheduled c-section date. So it shows how big Nathaniel is correctly, and his count down to his birth.