30 weeks!!

Photo on 5-23-13 at 1.37 PM

Well there I am! I am at the magical 30 weeks. The “we will likely issue you a child upon leaving the hospital” date. Ironically, I am also at another milestone. I am now 42 inches around. The same as Tony! Yeah that one isn’t as impressive. Tony has been doing great through this pregnancy though. Normally he eats and gains weight with me. This pregnancy he has been just maintaining. So that is impressive!

I am still sewing in prep for Nathaniel. I hope to finish up with my knits this weekend… at least the clothing bit of knits. Then there are just a few more items to make before Nathaniel gets here. Tony has a long list of things that he will be doing/making himself this weekend. Hopefully more on that tomorrow.

After that I hope to do some cooking (at the end of June as we go into July). I found some recipes that are suppose to be good after you have a baby. I like the sounds of that so I might have to make some.
http://nourishingjoy.com/nourishing-foods-for-labor-and-childbirth/ This talks about a “groaning” cake. I can’t labor but having cake after delivery (and the clear liquid diet) does sound nice! On the same blog she talks about these cookies: http://nourishingjoy.com/hamentaschen/ They also sound nice though I would likely make them with spelt or whole wheat flour as that is what I have on hand. I will also be making some chicken liver pate (debating on what I will have that on), and making sure I have plenty of bone broth. I also want to make some jello. I need things that are for when I am on the clear foods diet. So bone broth, tea, and jello will be for that. The pate will help me with keeping my iron levels high after delivery (something I always have issues with). If anyone has any other suggestions of things I should look at, I would be more then happy to hear them!