Morning update #2…

I have plenty of video to share with you but I am having formatting issues. Tony is on the main computer so I will wait till he is done then I can try to upload them for you. I went to the doctor today and the drive wasn’t as bad as I feared. There were … [Read more…]

Monday morning update #1…

Well we all slept through the night. Well some of us are still sleeping as I am the only one really awake right now. We have power, and it sounds like there is a storm outside. The wind gusts are getting stronger, but honestly this isn’t anything we have not seen before. The rain doesn’t … [Read more…]

Evening update…

We went for a walk this evening. This was right before sunset. It was noticeably cooler outside and it started to drizzle when we were out there.  Taken at our walk this evening: This video link was just taken. It is dark here now but I tried the best I could. We are making salmon … [Read more…]

Hunkering down… sort of…

As you can see I gave the blog a new look. This was partially because I have been waiting ALL DAY for my meds shipment today. They will not leave it without a signature. So I have been like a puppy left behind all day today looking at the window for the Wells Fargo Wagon … [Read more…]