A new home for Fenway

Yesterday I moved Fenway’s area to the living room. We had had him in the kitchen but it was too much. We need every square inch of space we can get in the kitchen and having Fenway in there was too much. So we moved him to the dining room. We still have room for … [Read more…]

It is only a hole…

Today Tony and I dug a hole. Well more specifically, Tony dug a hole and I figured out what to do with the extra soil. Ha ha! We needed to create a foundation for our new shed. So Tony dug down 4 inches and put 4 by 4’s around the perimeter of the area where the shed … [Read more…]


Okay today’s photo is a last minute photo. Max was in bed about to go to sleep when I took it. However we had such a busy day that photo taking was one of the last things on my mind. I can’t remember if I have talked about it on here or not, but Tony … [Read more…]

Goodbye ugly tree!

Today Tony did a lot of work in the backyard. It was cold outside but we all spent lots of time out there. I took many photos for the “before” with our yard. However those photos will be posted later when we get the “after” done. This first photo Max was holding a root that … [Read more…]