
Okay today’s photo is a last minute photo. Max was in bed about to go to sleep when I took it. However we had such a busy day that photo taking was one of the last things on my mind.

I can’t remember if I have talked about it on here or not, but Tony and I are going to be getting a side of grass fed beef in April. In preparation for this, and because it needed to be done, I had to defrost the freezer. Well we didn’t do this a few weeks ago when it was cold all the time, so I got to do it alone today as this weekend it will be too warm for us to do what we do when we defrost the freezer. We take out Max’s playpin and put it in the yard. Then we fill it with all of the stuff from our freezer. The cold air outside keeps the stuff frozen while we defrost the freezer inside. Once clean everything goes back in. This works for us but it is very hard work and takes a lot of energy. I also inventoried everything we have while putting things back. Always a good idea as there were several items I had completely forgot about.

Then tonight we went to a presentation of “Nourishing Our Children”. This an organization that educates people on the work of Weston A Price’s work in nutrition. That is a bit of a nut shell version of this. I became aware of this through a mom’s group that I went to last month. I have spent the last 2 days researching about this topic when I had a chance. It really is interesting. Tony thought I was a bit off my rocker when I told him about it but he came to the presentation since I didn’t know how long Max would last and needed him to at least take him home, if not stay for the presentation. He ended up staying, rather then getting stuck in rush hour traffic. He has agreed to start slowly changing our food choices (as it wasn’t at all what he thought it was going to be), knowing that when we are out and about, it will be impossible to follow. So this is just for us at home. I will be getting raw milk and pastured eggs and chicken as we need them. I may also get raw honey as the same source is for all of this. I was raised on raw (un-pasteurized) milk and while I don’t really remember it (we stopped when I was 7), I am told it is very good.

Tomorrow we have playgroup.


One Comment

  1. Jennifer ~
    We get raw milk as well. It is SO good! Our 4 kids love it and it’s worth the extra cost. We also get eggs from the same place, too. LOVE LOVE LOVE the milk.
    Hope you are doing well,

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