The legislative process…

Today Max and I went to Trenton to be a part of the legislative process. A raw milk bill that had passed the house is now in the senate committee. We went there in hopes of showing our support for the bill to get out of committee and to the full senate for an up … [Read more…]

Trying something new…

Today we went to a new church. I have had issues with the Catholic church for some time now and I got to a point where I had to see if we could find a place where I could feel at home. Tony has also had different issues then me but come to same conclusion. … [Read more…]

An expirement…

As you can see we have removed our microwave from the kitchen. We are now going to try to live without a microwave for a week. Why you ask? Well for a number of reasons. One, the way we eat now it is recommended that we do not use microwaves or pressure cookers. I don’t … [Read more…]

Introducing Fred…

Our elf on a shelf! I couldn’t remember what I named him last year (Max didn’t want to name him) and after a while we remembered that he was Fred. So now I am posting about him so we will not forget again!  Max and Fenway playing cars! Always a good time!