The legislative process…

Today Max and I went to Trenton to be a part of the legislative process. A raw milk bill that had passed the house is now in the senate committee. We went there in hopes of showing our support for the bill to get out of committee and to the full senate for an up or down vote. Currently we get our raw milk from a neighboring state.
We got there early. The notice I got said to get there by 10:00 am so that is what I did with about 10 minutes to spare. However we were the second people there. By the time that the session started it was 10:50 am and it was not just standing room only, there were a lot of people that couldn’t even get into the room. 
It was amazing to see our government at “work”. One person on the committee didn’t even bother showing up, and another, the former acting governor (at least twice) showed up late. However at least he has the unusual distinction of being a former governor that has NOT been indited yet, nor have I heard that he may be in the future. 

As you can see from Max’s face, this proceeding didn’t do anything but waste time. The matter is put on hold till a “later date” and will be voted upon at that time. I found it interesting that this was not a committee on farm or the like, rather it is on economic growth. Perhaps they are thinking that New Jersey will become the next Iowa.