We are a bunch of squirrels!!

We did a ton of canning this weekend. A TON! We also froze 8 quarts of green beans and some okra and some raspberries! We still have some to do! Anyway here is our first one (in semi random order): Peach barbecue sauce Tomatillo salsa Thick applesauce Summer barbecue salsa (has fruit in it) Salsa … [Read more…]

And I am cleared for transfer!!

I had my doctor appointment today and my lining looked okay, not great. So I was a bit worried that I would be pushed back a week. However that didn’t happen. I just got the call that I am good to go on Monday! I did have my estrogen upped a bit though. I take … [Read more…]

First day of school!

Today was Max’s first day of school. He did better then I thought he would do.  I don’t have a lot of photos because even though Tony was around, I was doing much of the teaching. However I do have these photos of him cutting rectangles out and cutting around corners. As part of this … [Read more…]

Sad day for us in general…

Today the triplets would have been 6 years old. Hard to imagine what they would have been like. Hard to imagine what it would have been like not to have Max though too. For me today is like every other day for the past 6 years, I think about my babies and wonder how they … [Read more…]