Biopsy today

I am done with the biopsy. It went well. I was mildly sedated and felt like I was in and out of conciousness when the procedure was happening. I remember bits of it but not much of it. So that is good. I had a dream during this time that I was following a little … [Read more…]

When life gives you lemons… make lemonade!

Well I met with the second oncologist on Friday. This doctor is nice and she ordered a TON of blood work on me. She told me that based on the size alone that this very well could be cancer (lymphoma). So she ordered me to go and get a CT guided Core Biopsy. This is … [Read more…]

Okay well, we will see…

Well in the last week I have went from frustrated to angry to defeated to accepted to confused and now I just don’t care. Ha ha! I went to my RE yesterday for a consult. Tony didn’t really understand the purpose of the consult but I told him that we should discuss what will happen … [Read more…]


I am too bitter right now to write anything about Max. I went to my doctor appointment to discuss my MRI today and I walked out of there knowing less (if that is possiable) then when I walked in. I waited 3 hours (why do doctor’s think their time is more important then mine… I … [Read more…]

Quick post today…

I thought I would have more time today but sadly that isn’t the case. My MRI went well yesterday. I got a CD and a report that I am going to give to the oncologist on Wednesday. From what I have read there is not much new in the report. It says that I have … [Read more…]