Goodbye Pre-K!!

Today was our last day of Max’s Pre-K program. I took it all after we were done and boxed it up so that we can get ready for Kindergarden that we should get sometime today. I am sure as the years go by these times will feel closer and closer together. However I must admit … [Read more…]

Dr today….

I am all set now. I have my dates set up for when I will need to go in again and they are the 5th and the 10 for the transfer. We have to sign some consents and pay some money and hopefully we will be pregnant after that. I got the online portal for … [Read more…]

Sorry for my delay but…

I had family visiting the last couple of days. I now have an embryo transfer date of September 10. This isn’t 100% in stone but it is what I am working towards. It is a bit earlier then I thought but this just means I get to meet my new baby a week earlier. This … [Read more…]

Freecycling is my friend!

Yesterday I got off to a late start, and I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to go out or not. However I did end up leaving the house at about 10 am to go and get the minivan’s oil changed. Turns out we also need to get the timing belt change so it will … [Read more…]