Goodbye Pre-K!!

Today was our last day of Max’s Pre-K program. I took it all after we were done and boxed it up so that we can get ready for Kindergarden that we should get sometime today. I am sure as the years go by these times will feel closer and closer together. However I must admit I am VERY excited to get the Kindergarden program and see what it has to offer! Max is going to be in for a longer day and more of a structured time when he is in school. I have been somewhat relaxed about things this year. 
If anyone was wondering if they should get the Calvert Pre-K program for their child, I would have to recommend it. Even though Max was a bit young when we started, I found it complete and full of useful items that really did teach Max well. I honestly couldn’t imagine a better program for him. He has certainly surprised me in the last 9 months by what he has learned!
Last night we were on a walk and I saw this (Tony took the photo so yes that is the back of my head in the photograph!). It is a rainbow and the moon in the same photograph. Not something you see everyday so I had to post it!
I will be double posting today as I want to show “what’s in the box” for the Kindergarden program later today.