Radiation day 2…

I met with the doctor yesterday… sort of. I met with the resident. He told me that the tissue sample that they got with my surgery was dead neutropathic cells. Not a huge surprise since it was black. Ha ha! I was also told that I would be meeting with my doctor on Thursdays. Which … [Read more…]

1 treatment down, only 19 more to go…

Well I had my first radiation appointment today. From a stand point of science it was interesting. I mean I could see the shields that were directing the radiation from a few of the places where it was. Essentially I am laying on a table and this radiation machine moves around me… sort of like … [Read more…]

I am back from radiation day 0

Today I went for what I thought would be my first dose of radiation. Sadly all that happened is I waited in the waiting room for 2 hours (sitting across from someone who kept spitting in a cup… yeah that wasn’t good), then I go back there for about 10 minutes and then they send … [Read more…]


I hadn’t posted all week so I thought I would. I have been busy not thinking about cancer and the road ahead of me. Which is a good thing. I am feeling about 98% from the surgery. So that is good. Max is doing well. Tony left on Wednesday for a meeting up in Boston … [Read more…]

All scanned out

Well today I received 3 scans (2 CT and 1 MRI) and I signed consents for radiation. The signing of the consents was the hardest part. I really hope I don’t regret this decision later. I know they are going to try to preserve my uterus but it is still scary. I now have to … [Read more…]