Sunday Sunday…

Today we had a restful day. We went to church, then purchased the 3 ton of rock that we needed for our shed foundation. Then we basically went home and vegged on the TV and either took a nap or played on the computer. Max at one point was watching a movie… Jennifer

It is only a hole…

Today Tony and I dug a hole. Well more specifically, Tony dug a hole and I figured out what to do with the extra soil. Ha ha! We needed to create a foundation for our new shed. So Tony dug down 4 inches and put 4 by 4’s around the perimeter of the area where the shed … [Read more…]


Here is Max at playgroup today. He did really well as did I (I spoke WAY too much last time.) So that was good. Tomorrow we are going to spend much of the day outside so that should be fun! Jennifer


Okay today’s photo is a last minute photo. Max was in bed about to go to sleep when I took it. However we had such a busy day that photo taking was one of the last things on my mind. I can’t remember if I have talked about it on here or not, but Tony … [Read more…]