Cars for Max!

Max is playing on our creation today. Tony took a wooden threshold and turned it into a ramp. Then he put it on the shelf to go into his little people ramp. Then they added the firehouse. However all this created problems and we added cereal box rails to the threshold. Then we got too much speed … [Read more…]

Cars and things…

This is Max playing with his cars tonight. The board behind him is a car ramp. As you can see, we got creative. In other news Tony has an interview on Thursday (position would be here) and will likely have another one on the following week (position in Cambridge, MA). So like it seems to … [Read more…]

Garbage truck!

This is Max looking for the garbage truck. He did see it but he heard it and instantly ran to the window and started looking for the garbage truck. Not much else has happened today.Jennifer

Tony and Max

Tony did well at his phone interview today. Hopefully they will be calling him in soon. Max sounds like a duck right now so well can’t be too far away. That is about all that is happening here. I know we are boring today. Jennifer