Cars for Max!

Max is playing on our creation today. Tony took a wooden threshold and turned it into a ramp. Then he put it on the shelf to go into his little people ramp. Then they added the firehouse. However all this created problems and we added cereal box rails to the threshold. Then we got too much speed and added a rail a the end. The tunnel was from his train set and was added just for fun.

In other news I thought I would say a word about my youngest sister. I know long time followers would remember that in the time after we lost Emily, and before I got pregnant with Max, my father adopted a little girl from China. She came over here when she was 4 years old (almost exactly). Well I guess they put her and my other sister in ice skating. The younger one has shown some talent for this and has got a coach and now is on the ice 4 days a week. Dad says that she wants to be in the Olympics. I guess her first competition is in November. I will let you know how she does.

Well that is all for now!