Friday’s doctor appointment…

On Friday we went to the doctor for another weight check. Nathaniel was up 3 oz. I didn’t really think it was real, but if the doctor would let us go home and not come back till his one month visit then I don’t really care if it was real or not! Sadly that didn’t … [Read more…]

I don’t think I want to wake up…

Yesterday’s appointment didn’t go well. Nathaniel didn’t gain from Monday despite eating really well. At least that is how we saw it. They told us we had to supplement with formula or he may have to go to the hospital for lack of weight gain. Terrified of that I have been trying to stuff him … [Read more…]


Okay I have been meaning to update the blog more often but it is very hard. We have had continuous doctor’s appointments that are seriously making up for Max typically being so well and NEVER going to the doctor (Max’s last office visit was last August… when Tony was laid off a few years ago … [Read more…]

Out of the lights.

He was taken out of the lights at 3:30 this morning. Sadly he thought this meant he could go home. So for the next 3-3.5 hours I had to convince him this wasn’t the case. Next test is at 9 am then we can see if we can spring him.