Friday’s doctor appointment…

On Friday we went to the doctor for another weight check. Nathaniel was up 3 oz. I didn’t really think it was real, but if the doctor would let us go home and not come back till his one month visit then I don’t really care if it was real or not! Sadly that didn’t happen.

The doctor wants us to come back tomorrow.

I thought/hoped that Tony would be able to talk some sense into her but no. She thought we might need a doula… not exactly sure why on that. She also said that she thought I had post traumatic stress disorder from loosing the triplets. This just strange to me as of coarse loosing 3 children is going to effect you for the rest of your life, and to assume that you are not going to think of them, or to “get over them” at a certain point in your life is just insane to me. Of coarse having a newborn is also going to bring up many of these same feelings as my children were born “newborns”. Emily died at a weight about double what Nathaniel is too.

Yesterday I started coming down with a cold. This isn’t fun considering what my daunting task is now. I need to build up my supply of milk. The good news is I think this cold is heading out today, the bad news (for my cold anyway) is that Nathaniel has been nursing every 2-2.5 hours since about 10 pm last night. So sleep and me are not happening. However on the flip side, Nathaniel is demanding more and with me taking Fenugreek capsules, I think I am finally starting to see an uptake in my milk. I just need to keep with feeding him, then pumping every 2 hours during the day. So that is what I am doing. He is getting that milk back again with the next feeding plus a bit of formula if he wants it. I think he has had about 45 ml today of formula so far so that is good that he is only getting that much and able to get the rest from me. He needs at total of 16 oz (480 ml) of breast/formula a day.

Hopefully tomorrow they will let us be till his 1 month visit in 2 weeks.