Nathaniel at 7 weeks old…

As you can imagine with everything that has happened with the littler guy, we are keeping a close eye on his growth. So here is his data from yesterday: Weight – 3.6 kg – 8 pounds – 0.3 percentile Height – 55 cm – 1 foot 9.7 inches – 14.6 percentile Head Size – 37.5 … [Read more…]


The other day I was talking to a family member who was confused as to what we were doing with Max this upcoming school year. Honestly this has been on the back burner because of everything going on with Nathaniel, however it is on our radar and I am glad that I did the leg … [Read more…]

Look who is the big boy now!

He is now up to 7 lbs 14 oz. So everyone is happy about that. I imagine he will be catching up to what Max was at the same time here soon. Maybe I should just take out Max’s old growth charts and follow them. Ha ha! We are doing well. I am on a … [Read more…]

6 weeks and….

Well 6 weeks today I had Nathaniel and I am just now figuring out what that means. As I stated earlier, Nathaniel has a milk protein allergy. This is normally tied to a soy allergy as well. So as a precaution (and to let my baby’s gut heal) I am cutting out both from my … [Read more…]