Photos from Tony’s side of the computer.

This is still me talking but I needed an easier way to get photos on here from the other side of the computer so it now looks like Tony is writing this. He isn’t. He may in the future but for now this is me. Saturday Max starts German again. Should be great fun! 🙂

Our trip to Maine!

We spent much of last week getting ready for our trip. I decided not to obsess about it, which I will go into later. However I had sewing to do as I wanted the boys to have nice warm jackets for our trip. Nathaniel also needed a pair of pants… truth be told so did … [Read more…]

A longer post…

Well we have had a bit of excitement in the last week. First of Nathaniel had his allergy testing. Then the doctor told me that he might be anaphylactic with dairy! I am sure my eyes came out of my head with that one. Anaphylactic means an extreme over reaction allergy. These can be life … [Read more…]

Help! I need opinions TODAY!!

Well on Monday Nathaniel went to the allergist for his much awaited allergy testing. To our shock he only tested positive for dairy on his skin test. However because he has a history of internal issues when it comes to dairy, and now he has external issues, the doctor prescribed an epi-pen as he could … [Read more…]

First day of school and camping…

Last week Max started his school year. He still has some subjects that carried over for a few days, weeks and in a couple cases months, but I consider it the first day of school. He started a new Math, Latin, and enrichment on August 3rd. To say that last week went badly, is an … [Read more…]