Drop point…

Today was our milk day and I think many people would think it funny how everything looks and works. These 2 photos show what we do. We go to a park and ride and give a guy a check, and he tells us where our cooler is (letter and number) and then we get it, … [Read more…]

Water Kefir…

Tonight I gave Tony a sample of my double fermented water kefir with lemon. I had fermented the water kefir grains for 2 days, then transfered it to the bottle and added a lemon that was peeled and sealed the bottle for 3 days. Today we opened it and it was very carbonated (naturally of … [Read more…]

Finally batteries…

I finally got batteries for the camera tonight,  so this is my last nighttime shot for a while hopefully. However isn’t Max cute? Jennifer


Okay this isn’t a great photo but my batteries died in my camera so this was my phone doing the dirty work. Max is washing dishes with daddy. 🙂 Jennifer