Water Kefir…

Tonight I gave Tony a sample of my double fermented water kefir with lemon. I had fermented the water kefir grains for 2 days, then transfered it to the bottle and added a lemon that was peeled and sealed the bottle for 3 days. Today we opened it and it was very carbonated (naturally of coarse) and it had a nice lemon flavor. I think it was mildly alcoholic too. However that could have been in my imagination. Anyway, Tony loved it. So he had it with the oyster soup we had tonight.

Water kefir is made with sugar water. I have a natural sugar (Rapadara) and that is why it is brown. It wouldn’t be brown if I used white sugar but my kefir grains wouldn’t be as happy with that kind of sugar. We started another batch tonight that will be orange flavored.
