Nathaniel’s clothes.

Here are 2 more things I have made for Nathaniel. The space shirt I have things to match. The fish is a gown. We are doing well. Spring has shown up so my allergies are in full force. Nathaniel seems unphased though. Tomorrow is my glucose test. Lets hope I pass it.


These photos are from yesterday but they are still cute! We went out to eat with Tony last night. Max got a Cuban sandwich and to my shock, he ate the whole adult size portion with side, and adult size drink. Yeah Max is getting scary with the amount that he eats. Thankfully he doesn’t … [Read more…]

Doctor today

I went to the doctor today and nothing new really happened. I asked about my c-section date but they didn’t know. I told them since Max was born at 38 weeks exactly and had to be in the NICU I would prefer if Nathaniel was born then too since I can’t go past that date. … [Read more…]

25 weeks!!!

I am now at 25 weeks! It says that Nathaniel is now the size of an eggplant or a papaya. I guess that means that he is long and skinny. Ha ha! He could be weighing as much as 2.5 lbs right now too. So he is getting big! Physically I am feeling well. I … [Read more…]