26 weeks!!

Photo on 4-25-13 at 8.01 AM #2 Photo on 4-25-13 at 8.01 AM

Max wanted to show his belly too. His is a bit smaller then mine. I am now at 40.25 inches around. Nathaniel should be about 14 inches tall and weigh about 2 lbs. We will have to see 2 weeks from tomorrow.

I saw my oncologist today. My counts were all good in my blood so that is good. My ultrasound in February showed I was clear too. I am to see her again in 4 months or August 29. I thought I would be getting a PET scan before I see her again, but that would involve me being away from Nathaniel for 12 hours. Yeah that isn’t going to happen. So instead I will get a CT scan done. This will still mean that I will have to “pump and dump” but at least I can hold my little guy! I will be getting my CT scan and my doctor appointment done all on the same day. I am also seeing if I can get my port removed that day as well so I can do everything and then be done with things for a while. Assuming all is well, I will not need a scan or an office visit to my oncologist for 6 months after that. So it will be nice to have such a break with doctors for a while. Nathaniel will be about 6 weeks old for this appointment in August so I will likely have my post c-section visit that same week. So it really will be NO doctors for me for 6 months! YAY!!

Still haven’t heard anything about my c-section date. I am assuming that it is July 18 till I am told otherwise. I think that is reasonable for me.

I am feeling well but we are training Fenway to sleep in the office where his crate, food, and bed are. He hasn’t done this since he was a puppy but I know he gets into things when we go to bed and with a new baby coming I don’t want to worry about dog germs all over my itty bitty’s stuff. So we are training him to sleep in the office. He isn’t doing well with this and last night he barked for 3 hours (divided but still constant barking). Hopefully he will be getting over this soon. Max has been waking up when Fenway starts and that just isn’t fun for anyone.