That darn chemical…

I can’t believe it! My beta yesterday was 5. Anything less then 5 is not pregnant. So here I am 2 months 3 days since my d&e and I am STILL (chemically) pregnant. They initally told me that I would have to wait 2 more weeks for another beta level check. I told them, “So … [Read more…]

Frozen baby…

Well we finally got a scanner so therefore I can share with you a picture of our frozen baby. As you can see I have started a poll of what I should call this baby. My intial thought is that this should be Frozen Baby A, since we will likely have to more then one … [Read more…]

2nd beta in rest cycle…

Hello everyone! I just wanted to give a quick update on my blood test results from Thursday. I still have a beta of 15 (less then 5 is not pregnant, last week it was 25). So I will be going back this Thursday to get another test done. This is so frustrating in that I … [Read more…]

Cycle day 3 of lupron cycle # 3.

Hello everyone! My appointment yesterday was very strange. I went to a satalight office and they don’t have a Thursday US tech there at the moment so the doctor did the US. Talk about a busy office! Anyway, he is not the doctor that does all of my IVF stuff so he looked at my … [Read more…]

Start of IVF attempt #3, IVF #2…

Well I am finally on a cycle again! I can’t tell you how happy I was to see that come this morning. Last Friday I took a home pregnancy test just to see if the HCG was out of my system. That is the hormone that pregnant people produce. Well to my shock the test … [Read more…]