That darn chemical…

I can’t believe it! My beta yesterday was 5. Anything less then 5 is not pregnant. So here I am 2 months 3 days since my d&e and I am STILL (chemically) pregnant. They initally told me that I would have to wait 2 more weeks for another beta level check. I told them, “So that means that I will be cycling again in February, the month I concieved my triplets in.” She said “let me figure this out (number crunching)… hold on a second…” She went back and talked to my doctor and when I get my period (since I expect it any day now) I will go in for cycle day 3 blood work. IF at that point (after another blood test) my beta isn’t down then they will push me off another month. If it is 4 or under then I can move forward… at least from my beta stand point. I still have many things that can cancel me that are not related to beta (cysts namely).

By the way, if I was still pregnant with baby D I would be 19 weeks 5 days today. The same spot I was in when I started having problems with my triplets.
