Goodbye Baby I!

I got the word today that we lost this baby. My beta level went down and so this baby died as well. Sometimes this just happens and there is nothing I could have done to prevent it. I actually think that this baby died on July 31st. I felt NOTHING that day and I was … [Read more…]

I want to be NORMAL!!!

I found out the beta from Monday morning. It was 168. So my betas have been:8 am Friday – 60 – 10 days past a 5 day transfer9 am Monday – 168 – 13 days past a 5 day transfer I know that this is normal and if someone were asking me about these beta … [Read more…]

Beta is in!!

I have a beta of 60. I am a bit nervous as this is the lowest starting beta I have had since the triplets (186). However it is the earliest beta I have ever had aside from the triplets (this is at the same point as them) so maybe I am being a bit unfair … [Read more…]

All dressed up and…

I must admit that I am not one who normally gets too worked up by thunderstorms here. I mean they are as common as sun or rain for that matter. So I guess it was just the fact that our electric company sent us a message that really got me going about this storm. Then … [Read more…]

I think I see lines!!!

I took this, this morning. Tony couldn’t see it at first but could within the 10 minute window after starting the test. This photo had the color enhanced a bit but that is it. So I think this is pregnancy number 4 for me! I took these photos yesterday but didn’t want to overwhelm the … [Read more…]