All dressed up and…

I must admit that I am not one who normally gets too worked up by thunderstorms here. I mean they are as common as sun or rain for that matter. So I guess it was just the fact that our electric company sent us a message that really got me going about this storm. Then I talked to Tony and he said based on the fact that this storm was causing trouble from Dallas to New York city, at the same time, he was a bit concerned about tornados.

So we all slept in the basement last night. We don’t typically have tornados in this are and therefore we don’t have a weather band alarm clock. So this was the safest option for us.

It was quite a disappointment for me though when I woke up and saw that there was just a pitiful part of a branch in our back yard. I wouldn’t really even call it a branch, just a few leaves stuck together.

At the end of the day, this storm wasn’t nearly as exciting as the one we had at the end of August last year just as our flood insurance expired (we renewed it before that storm came, but it would have expired on the day that storm hit).

Well Max and I will be heading down to get my official blood test here in about 1 hour. So exciting! I will come back and post the results when I know something (between 1 and 3 EDT).