Fenway’s Apartment

This is Fenway’s apartment complete with a cave (kennel), bed (blanket), pee pad, food and water dish, toy and a wrap around fence! I have an old vinyl table cloth under the rug to catch any accidents that don’t land on the pee pad. He seems to like it but doesn’t really like being in there unless … [Read more…]

Fenway’s perch…

Here is the sad dog Fenway. He is upset because we don’t let him come upstairs. So he has taken to sitting on the top step and stick his nose through to see what it is like. Poor dog! Jennifer

Dishwasher soap

Here is Max showing the dishwasher soap that we made. Very simple to do and costs WAY less then what you would pay to purchase it made. We use this recipe: http://frugallygreen.blogspot.com/search/label/Clean%20Green Our water is hard so I am trying less borax now. We will have to see how that works. Tony is about to throw our … [Read more…]