This and that…

 This is the photo of the day. Max isn’t happy but I was trying to photograph his hair. Today had been very humid with a few thunderstorms, and we have had the windows open. So the humidity has had fun on Max’s curls. This is the reason why I have a hard time cutting his … [Read more…]

Night night!

Today we got our milk from the farmer, and did some outdoor stuff but honestly before I knew it the day was over and this was the best photo I could take. As you can see Max is very tired and is currently asleep. In other news, you may remember that last year (about August) … [Read more…]

Dishwasher soap

Here is Max showing the dishwasher soap that we made. Very simple to do and costs WAY less then what you would pay to purchase it made. We use this recipe: Our water is hard so I am trying less borax now. We will have to see how that works. Tony is about to throw our … [Read more…]

Drop point…

Today was our milk day and I think many people would think it funny how everything looks and works. These 2 photos show what we do. We go to a park and ride and give a guy a check, and he tells us where our cooler is (letter and number) and then we get it, … [Read more…]