Cookie week day 2…

Today is day 2 of cookie week. We were to focus on a circle. Well Max knows what a circle is so we made flourless peanut butter cookies and banana bread. The banana bread was more for us as a family then for cookie week but I did cook twice so I thought I would … [Read more…]

It is Christmas time!

Well I thought I would start with some of my sewing… This is my PJ’s that I made. It will work when I am nursing and it is comfy. Sadly though it doesn’t work with the cold weather we are having. But it will be great in the summer. The top has elastic around where … [Read more…]

Max and cooking…

This is Max earlier today taken from my phone. Just prior to this I had pulled out the eggs as we were making brownies for our trip. I then went to get a bowl. Max standing by the drawer with the cooking implements in it opened the drawer while I was getting the bowl and … [Read more…]