Drop point…

Today was our milk day and I think many people would think it funny how everything looks and works. These 2 photos show what we do. We go to a park and ride and give a guy a check, and he tells us where our cooler is (letter and number) and then we get it, … [Read more…]

Water Kefir…

Tonight I gave Tony a sample of my double fermented water kefir with lemon. I had fermented the water kefir grains for 2 days, then transfered it to the bottle and added a lemon that was peeled and sealed the bottle for 3 days. Today we opened it and it was very carbonated (naturally of … [Read more…]

Finally outside!!

Today we were finally able to go outside. It was in the mid 70’s and perfect outside. Now if it can just stay like this. Here is Max playing in the dirt while Tony plants seeds in our garden. Notice we have a dog/kid fence around the garden. Photo of the day.  I hadn’t posted … [Read more…]


Today Max and I spent quite a bit of time cleaning. So not much else was done. I did make a lovely onion soup though that tasted great after we added a bit of salt (I realized that there was no salt in the homemade chicken stock or in the butter in the recipe). These … [Read more…]