An update…

Hello, I have put up pictures of the puzzles that we recently put together. It came to my attention that some people may like to see them. The one with the water is Manarola, Italy. The castle is Kilkenny Castle in Ireland. I went to my new Obgyn on Thursday. He seemed nice and I … [Read more…]


Happy Ash Wednesday! Sorry I didn’t post yesterday. I meant to but got busy doing other things. Anyway, I have uploaded some pictures from when it snowed last week. Ironicly as I write this I am thinking how warm outside is now. However I know everyone loves pictures. I was able to convince Tony that … [Read more…]

This week in our lives.

Hello, Well on Saturday we went out dancing for the first time in over a year. For those who don’t know we do ballroom dancing. Both of us got sore from the experience but I think we are all fine now. It was amazing on both how much we forgot and how much we remembered. … [Read more…]

The last week

Hello, Not much new to report. Tony’s father was in town over the weekend but it was too cold to do much. So we went grocery shopping and played with a puzzle. On Sunday he went home and Tony and I watched the Superbowl. It was intresting in the first half but I feel that … [Read more…]