Max is now 9 months old and…

here are his stats…Height 2 foot 6.25 inches (0.768 m) or in the 95.89%Weight 21 lbs. 8.8 oz (9.775 kg) or in the 67.74%Head Circumference 17.91 inches (45.5 cm) or in the 57.10% We now have him on fluoride in addition to the iron. This is because he is still breastfed and I don’t give … [Read more…]

A new tool for Max

Tony and I got the “Your Baby Can Read” (link) set for Max. I know this is somewhat controversial so please don’t tell me that we need to let our child be a child and so on. We thought long and hard before deciding to try this program on him. I thought I would give … [Read more…]

Photo’s today…

This post goes back in time…. Max after he threw the camera (I think he actually wanted to eat it but got carried away). This was this morning. This morning when he was in a good mood. Max on Sunday with his new shoes on. Max at the top of the stairs (I was with … [Read more…]

Hello everyone!

Well I keep forgetting the camera in Max’s room. Our floors creek (which I honestly like… it will come in handy when Max is sleeping in a “big boy bed”) so I can’t go in there and get it. Max got his 7th tooth on Friday June 19. It is his other top tooth. So … [Read more…]

Max has a crooked mouth!!

Well Max got another tooth in on Tuesday (June 16). It is his upper left tooth. So he has he 2 center teeth top and bottom. Then he has his upper left tooth and his lower right tooth. Therefore his crooked mouth! Ha ha! He has been having fun crawling, getting into things, standing up, … [Read more…]