Max is now 9 months old and…

here are his stats…
Height 2 foot 6.25 inches (0.768 m) or in the 95.89%
Weight 21 lbs. 8.8 oz (9.775 kg) or in the 67.74%
Head Circumference 17.91 inches (45.5 cm) or in the 57.10%

We now have him on fluoride in addition to the iron. This is because he is still breastfed and I don’t give him water.

He didn’t get any injections today. No blood tests either. He is growing like he should be. His next appointment is on September 28, 2 days after his birthday. He isn’t going to like that appointment for several reason but the biggest reason is because I am going to start to wean him around then.

That is all for now!